The VingCard Signature RFID provides you with a stylish lock that appeals to a contemporary environment. Signature RFID gives you less hardware on the door while giving more functionality to you and your users. We provide our customers with the most advanced electronic locking solutions for hotels including Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) compatible locking technology, as well as a range of innovative and stylish electronic hotel locks. VingCard Elsafe has spent four decades helping hospitality partners in over 166 countries to welcome travelers. As industry pioneers we’ve led the way – employing innovative technology to make people feel safe and sleep easier wherever they are. Our advancements in design and functionality have enabled our clients in the hospitality industry to welcome, reassure and protect their guests, and make their businesses run more smoothly. So the end result of our work is more than a keycard that works or a door that opens. Where we might see pioneering innovation powered by years of R&D, the user experiences a feeling of being at ease and a sense of belonging —a single moment of truth as they arrive, open, then close the door behind them. As VingCard Elsafe we’ve been both a pioneer and a leading brand for forty years. That’s not changed. Why we do what we do has not changed either. What is changing rapidly however is the world in which we do business. This provides us with unique challenges and opportunities as we look to create a bright future for our company. If we’re to remain innovative and competitive, we must keep pace with the demand from our customers for flawless experiences. As the technology surrounding key and keycards continues to evolve we must stay primed to communicate our value as an industry leader to our clients.

About Amarta Store
We are the bigest online IT Equipment distributor in Asia. Headquarter in Jakarta - Indonesia, we are providing our customer with worldwide shipping coverage. So, wherever your location is, we are ready to support your needs with the best price.
Smart Card Reader
Wiegand Standard Standalone electronic lock with RFID technology
Warranty 1 year warranty from VingCard Indonesia

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