Jual Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800

Write By: admin Published In: Door Access Control Created Date: 2024-01-26 Hits: 63 Comment: 0

Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800 system can be integrated with the lift controls to enable the restriction to apply, whereby a particular floor can only be selected if the user has presented a lift card to a reader.

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Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800 system application that is very common in multi-story buildings such as multi-tenanted office blocks and hotels that need to prevent unauthorised personnel from accessing certain floors via the lift(s). As an example, in a building shared by several companies, the company that occupies the second floor may wish to prevent employees and visitor of other companies within the building from accessing their floor. For hotels to provide a safe and secure environment for their guests, Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800 is necessary to restrict access to the bedroom floors to paying guests and staff only, reducing the risk of theft and assault.


Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800 range enable you to design floor-by-floor elevator destination control system, letting you customize the access level for individual card holder depending on your regulated structure with the power to control accessibility from 8 floors to 136 floors. What’s more, you can choose to utilizethe EntryPass hybrid input / output control panel that comes with both serial and active network communication interface to cater for any installation requirement.


Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800 consists of both hardware and software that regulate who can call or enter an elevator in a building. When should a business consider adding access control for elevators in their buildings? Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800 is most necessary when there are multiple tenants, or a specific elevator floor within a business that houses sensitive information. Elevators can be prime areas for crime in both office and residential buildings, which can leave tenants, as well as the property at risk. Implementing Entrypass Elevator Control Panel L3800 system with a door access control reader can help prevent both people and the property from becoming victims of vandalism, theft, or physical harm.

Panel Tool
